On-Grid Regulation & Market Development

Enabling the large-scale roll-out of renewable power generation through power market reforms

Developing and re-designing power markets is essential to enable renewable energy participation and investment. Accelerated innovations in renewable energy, services and markets are triggering the need to reconsider traditional business models and power sector regulatory frameworks.

GET.transform supports partner countries in the development and revision of regulations and power markets to facilitate increased investment in renewable energy. Working with national and regional partners, GET.transform helps to build capacity and advance institutional reforms that unlock viable public and private-sector utility and IPP (Independent Power Producer) business models.

Technical support ranges from the design and management of procurement mechanisms, i.e. auctions for on-grid IPPs, to market model design and grid access regulations. All activities are accompanied by strategic capacity building measures targeted at key change agents and decision makers, including professionals and managers, to ensure strong ownership and buy-in of the project partners.

Christopher Gross

Global Team Lead