Sector Progress in the Spotlight at EU Green Power Transformation Forum in Eswatini

Participants Forum Eswatini (c) GIZ
(c) GIZ

The III EU Green Power Transformation Forum successfully concluded in Eswatini last month, drawing over 100 participants over two days. Organised by Business Eswatini, the conference was supported by the European Union Delegation to Eswatini, GET.invest, and GET.transform. The event fostered collaboration in the renewable energy sector and brought together key stakeholders, including project developers, financiers, policy-makers, and researchers.

The event took stock of the achievements yielded in driving Eswatini’s energy transition. The joint country window of GET.invest and GET.transform has supported the country in progress toward bankable regulation and bankable projects.

GET.invest mobilises investments in renewable energy solutions from the private sector and helps develop a pipeline of bankable investment projects.  GET.transform provides technical assistance to Eswatini’s public sector across planning and regulation for a clean energy transformation.

In particular, GET.transform has provided technical assistance on a new short-term generation expansion plan, the review of key electricity sector legislative documents, the electricity multi-year price determination tariff methodology, as well as updated distribution and grid code documents. Currently, Eswatini is also participating in two thematic windows of GET.transform’s Policy Catalyst, building further capacity on Distributed Generation and Effective Renewable Energy Tendering.

Eswatini will see even more progress over the coming year with several renewable energy projects in the pipeline. The scheduled construction of 5 solar PV plants, a biomass plant and a new hydropower plant will contribute to improving the country’s energy security.

Speakers Forum Eswatini (c) GIZ
GET.transform team at Forum Eswatini (c) GIZ
GET.transform team at the III EU Green Power Transformation Forum in Eswatini. All images (c) GIZ