Policy Catalyst: Distributed Generation Window for Regulators and Utilities

Get dedicated technical assistance to successfully integrate Distributed Generation onto your networks
Distributed Generation in the shape of rooftop solar PV
(c) istock/Sean2008

With the Policy Catalyst, GET.transform and implementation partners are introducing a new initiative to provide integrated capacity building and implementation support on vital regulatory building blocks.

The first Policy Catalyst support window focuses on the vital topic of distributed generation (DG) and is being implemented by GET.transform and Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA) in partnership with the African Forum for Utility Regulators (AFUR) and the Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA).

If you represent a regulator or utility from Sub-Saharan Africa, the Policy Catalyst Distributed Generation Window can offer you technical assistance to support the integration of DG onto your electricity networks.

Addressing your challenges across frameworks, policies, procedures, and long-term strategies, the Policy Catalyst DG Window

  • will aid regulators and utilities from up to 10 Sub-Saharan countries to ease this transition.
  • will provide participants with dedicated technical supportcapacity building and access to peer learning and networking
  • will help to advance the secure, compliant and financially viable integration of DG into utility networks
  • will run from 2023 to 2026.

Are you interested in tapping into this comprehensive support?

Insights from the Policy Catalyst DG Window