A community-based radio station (Radio Pacis) and a public utility (WENRECo) in Uganda, have successfully paved the way for integration of more distributed/embedded generation in the country. Radio Pacis, a local radio station in Arua, initially reached a significant milestone by transitioning to fully solar-powered operations. Under the support of the Green People’s Energy project (GBE) implemented by GIZ, Radio Pacis has since expanded its on-site photovoltaic capacity from 300 kWp to 510 kWp to meet its entire energy needs.
Yet, the radio station does not only sustainably power its own operations but can also export its surplus energy to the WENRECo grid. This was made possible through a groundbreaking cooperation with the public utility WENRECo.
To further streamline the integration framework, GET.transform in partnership with the regulator ERA, supported a grid impact assessment in an effort to develop a new framework that enables technically and regulatory sound feed-in of excess energy. Integration of the solar PV plant will contribute to increased sustainability of the local energy supply thus promoting energy security in the West Nile region.
A recent two-day workshop convened the key partners to strategise on the successful implementation of this embedded generation model. Commissioned by GET.transform, energy experts from Energynautics presented the findings from the impact assessment and respective technical guidelines to all involved stakeholders.
Through working together, the partners have unlocked a successful solution that can be replicated in other locations in the country. The collaboration signifies a crucial step forward in promoting renewable energy adoption and resilience in Uganda’s energy landscape.