LTES-Africa 6: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios

African Power Pools and Regional Economic Communities will share energy planning experience in IRENA's LTES webinar
Abuja, Nigeria
Photo by Francis Tokede/Unsplash

African Power Pools will be at the heart of IRENA’s final webinar in the current series  “Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for Developing National Energy Transition Plans in Africa”.

IRENA delivers the series in collaboration with a range of regional implementation partners including GET.transform, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Ministry of Energy of Kenya, and the African Union Commission.

Each session explores the findings of African countries or organisations with well-established scenario-based planning practices. The final session (13 January, 11am CET/2pm GST) takes place as part of IRENA’s 12th Assembly Stakeholder Engagement Day and will feature insights from African Power Pools and Regional Economic Communities. The range of speakers includes:

  • Bernard Hessou, Head of Division, Studies, Planning and Projects Financing, West African Power Pool (WAPP)
  • Patrice Manirakiza, Senior Planning Engineer, Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP)
  • Emmanuel Bué, Convener of Technical Committee Economic Studies and Scenarios, Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (MED-TSO)
  • Bayaornibe Dabire, Director of Energy, Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
  • Peter Kinuthia, Senior Energy Advisor, African Union Commission (AUC) 
  • Tichakunda Simbini, Energy Infrastructure Expert, African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) 

The event will be simultaneously available in English and French.

13 January, 2022 (2pm GST)